Occult Crimes: Jersey Island

Occult Crimes: Jersey Island

Between England and France lies a small British island called Jersey and one called Guernsey. They are the most southerly of the British Isles and are much closer to France than England. While they are British islands, they are not part of the United Kingdom, nor is the island nation really a colony. It is a dependency of the British Crown, kind of like Guam and the US Virgin Islands are protectorates of the United States. It has its own government but is under the ultimate control of the Queen of England, just like members of the British commonwealth such as Canada and Australia have the Queen of England as their Queen.

Measuring only 9 miles by 5 miles and with a population of about 90,000, the tiny Jersey Island has been the center of an investigation into child abuse, torture and murder which exposes the island’s connection to a global conspiracy of satanic ritual abuse and coverup.

Since Napoleonic times Jersey has been one of the world’s centers for dirty money. It has 55 banks, over 33,000 registered companies and more than $300 billion deposited in the Island at any one time. Much of the money comes from the world’s ruling elite, mafias and intelligence agencies. They put their money in Jersey for the anonymity and low tax rate.

The abuse investigation started in 2006 and focused mostly on a 150 year old facility called Haut de la Garenne (Forest Heights). Locals call the facility “Colditz”. From 1867 to 1986 it was a detention facility for homeless, delinquent and at-risk children except for a period when it was occupied by the Germans during WW II.

Until 2006, in the more than 100 years of wide-spread abuse of children in Jersey, very few of the abusers were prosecuted.

Beast of Jersey

-Satan worshipper Edward Paisnel, “The Beast of Jersey”, was given a 30-year sentence in 1971 on 13 counts of raping girls and boys. The Jersey building contractor kept foster children and played Father Christmas at Haut de la Garenne in the 60’s.
-Ronald George Thorne spent 12 months in prison for gross indecency between 1983 and 1984.
-Leonard Miles Vandenborn was jailed for 12 years for the rape and indecent assault of 2 young girls in the 1970s and 1980s.

A History of Concealment

Children abused in Jersey have long complained about the abuse but their cries for help were ignored and successfully covered up by the Island’s rulers, until recently.

In 1991 Police in Cambridgeshire England raided the home of Neil Hocquart who abused children in Britain and Guernsey and, with a social worker from Jersey, supplied child pornography for a huge international sex ring. Yet police did not investigate further.

Stuart Syvret, the island’s former health and social services minister was fired from Jersey’s governing council in 2007 and arrested when he tried to expose ‘systematic’ abuse of children throughout Jersey’s social services.

Jersey’s Sea Cadets program and well as other Jersey children’s homes have been the subject of abuse investigations that were quickly stopped.

Haute de la Garenne was shut down in 1986 as a detention facility and refurbished in 2004 for a 100 bed youth hostel. During renovations workmen discovered a trapdoor leading down to an underground chamber in which shackles remained, yet there was no investigation into why a children’s home would have a secret chamber with shackles.

After decades of complaints by children who were abused in Jersey, it wasn’t until 2006 that Jersey police even pretended to start an investigation. The investigation plodded along until November, 2007 when two sisters, Karen Coote and Cathy Le Monnier, publicly revealed that they were sexually abused at Haute de la Garenne during the 70’s. Their courage in going public burst the dam of silence and more than 160 others came forward, forcing police to stop stalling and conduct an actual investigation.

The Investigation

The investigation focused on hidden underground chambers and pits which had been filled in with dirt and in some cases booby-trapped. Other parts of the grounds also yielded bone fragments.

Excavation of the chambers supported charges of horrific torture and murder of children going back to some time before the 40’s. Investigators found numerous children’s bone fragments, nearly 40 teeth, and blood remnants. One chamber contained a concrete bathtub splattered with blood. An incenarator contained bone fragments and teeth, indicated that children’s bodies were dismembered and burned in the underground chambers.

Another chamber was filled with half a meter of lime. Investigators claim that they don’t know why the lime was there but lime is typically used to speed up the decay of bodies. Given the fact that body parts were found in other chambers it is possible that body parts were in the lime as well or the chamber had been intended for body disposal but not used.

Only a few of the more than 40 accused have been charged. Only those who were low level employees and not involved in the satanic ritual abuse were investigated.

Michael Aubin pleaded guilty to charges of indecent assault on young boys when he was a resident at the former Haut de la Garenne children’s home. He served less than 2 years on probation only.

Claude James Donnelly was found guilty of nearly two dozen charges of indecent assault and rape on young girls in Jerseya and sentenced to 15 years.

Gordon Claude Wateridge was convicted of eight counts of indecent assault against three females and one count of assault against a male and sentenced to 2 years.

Morag Louise Jordan and Anthony Jordan who worked at Haut De La Garenne in the 1970s and 1980s were charged with 49 counts of assaulting children in 2010 and were convicted of only 8 counts. In January 2011 Anthony was sentenced to 9 months and Morag was given 6 months in prison.

Despite the fact that police had 1,776 statements from 192 victims, identifying 151 abusers only the 7 low level staff were charged. Police have long had more than sufficient evidence for more arrests and indictments but orders from higher up have prevented prosecutions of any but the lower level perpetrators.

In November, 2010, Acting Chief Inspector Alison Fossey claimed that no one else was charged and the inquiry would draw to a close.

Some of the guilty parties, such as former warden Colin Tilbrook, who raped children at Haut de la Garenne and his own foster daughter, Tina Blee, will never face justice in this world because they are already dead.

Depsite the physical evidence, sworn testimony and witnesses, it is unlikley that anyone else will be charged or those in the government who actively supported and covered up the abuse will ever be held accountable. Victims will have to pursue civil law suits to find any measure of justice.

Deputy Chief Officer Lenny Harper, who headed up the investigation, faced sustained obstruction from fellow policemen as well as threats from members of Jersey’s government and prominent citizens. He had to bring in police from the UK to assist in the investigation due to the lack of cooperation from local police and government officials.

Some of the officials in Jersey or Britain who tried to obstruct, derail or who opposed the investigation include:

-Frank Walker – Jersey’s Chief Minister
-Philip Bailhache – Jersey’s chief judge & attorney general
-David Warcup – Jersey’s deputy police chief
-Ben Shenton – Jersey’s minister for child welfare
-Jack Straw – British MP, home secretary

Harper retired under death threats in 2008 and has been the repeated target of efforts to discredit him and the investigation he courageously led. The Jersey government even went so far as to issue an arrest warrant for Harper after he left the Island, claiming that he was under investigation for falsifying evidence.

A low-budget video was produced in 2008 by Bill Maloney and his Sister, both victims of state sponsored abuse. Bill’s sister was attacked and possibly murdered for financing the video and attempts to expose the abuse she suffered. She had also pursued unsuccessful lawsuits against the Southwark and Lambeth councils in England for the abuse she suffered while in children’s homes under their control.

“I have known from the start that this investigation would be flawed and stopped by the Jersey oligarchy.” – Jim Brown, victim of insitutional child abuse

In November, 2008, the Jersey Chief of Police, Graham Power, disputed the findings of investigators and desperately announced that there was absolutely no evidence that anyone was ever murdered at Haut de la Garenne. He wouldn’t discuss allegations of child abuse. The British media ignored the evidence and victims and loudly proclaimed that nothing really happened at Haut de la Garenne.

The Implications

Organized abuse of children in state care is all too common and often associated with satanic ritual abuse and mind control programs. While not all pedophiles or child abusers are satan worshippers, when such abuse is institutionalized and protected such as it was in Jersey, it is usually part of a larger organized program and the people who willingly engage in institutional abuse of children can only be described as evil.

Jersey is a British island close to France. British and French culture (and many others) have a long history of institutional abuse of children and the abuse continues today. People in positions of power either engage in the abuse and support it and are usually able to protect the guilty parties.

Anyone who doubts the notion that Jersey is an island run by satanists only needs to drive around the island and see the statues in front yards and gardens which are blatantly satanic. One garden has a 12 foot high statue of satan. Only a mile from Haute de la Garenne, in the front yard of a prominent citizen there were pedophile statues photographed depicting sex acts between adults and very young children. It would be illegal to publish photos of the statues here, yet in Jersey having pedophile statues in one’s front yard is perfectly acceptable.

Jersey also has no sex offender registry and almost never prosecutes those distributing child pornography or molesting children. The facts clearly demonstrate that the Jersey government and ruling class actively support pedophilia.

Jersey is a crown island and technically owned by the Queen of England. When a BBC television program covered the investigation at Haut de la Garenne and attempted to interview Frank Walker, the Jersey Chief Minister, the Queen’s appointed governing council of the BBC was forced by the Queen to publicly issue an apology. The fact that the BBC was forced to publicly apologize for merely good journalism connects this case all the way to the Queen.

Similar cases of organized abuse can help shed light on the Jersy case coverup.

Jersey Statue

Jersey Has a statue of the Devil in a place called Devil’s hole:

“The name ‘Devil’s Hole’ is a dramatic one but only invented in the nineteenth century. Formerly it was called ‘Le Creux de Vis’, ‘Le Creux de la Touraille’ or Spiral Cave. One possible derivation for its modern name is connected with the shipwreck of a French boat in 1851. Its figurehead was thrust by the tide straight into the hole and someone had the idea of getting a local sculptor to transform the torso into a wooden devil, complete with horns. Today this devil’s metal replica stands in a pool on the way down to the crater, to lend atmosphere to the winding – and in one place quite steep – path down to the Devil’s Hole itself. The hole can be peered down into from two safe vantage points.”

Occult Crimes: The Dutroux Affair

Occult Crimes Task Force

Beyond the Dutroux Affair
The reality of protected child abuse and snuff networks [Part 1]
Project for the Exposure of Hidden Institutions, July 25, 2007

Last Updated: Tuesday, July 24, 2007 07:24:17 PM


Many of these blank faces will not be so anonymous anymore after reading this article.

ver since the Dutroux affair broke in August 1996, there have been rumors that its central character was part of a wider network of child abusers. Some might remember the video cartoon.

Many of these blank faces will not be so anonymous anymore after reading this article. tapes that were allegedly found in Dutroux’s houses and about which nothing was heard anymore (this actually wàs an unfounded rumor); others might remember statements from Dutroux about being a “pawn” in a network protected by police and justice officials. However, these reports are not even the tip of the iceberg of what has actually been going on in Belgium.

To really gain some understanding of what the Dutroux affair was all about, we need to take a step back and see all the other aspects which at least in the early years made up the Dutroux investigation. It will soon become obvious that by early 1997, Dutroux had become almost a mere footnote in a scandal that really had begun to threaten the very existence of Belgium. Besides a whole range of petty criminals, secret investigations were also being opened against an ever increasing amount of politicians, bankers, police officers and magistrates.

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Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Home of Henry Makow Ph.D.

Illuminati Pedophile Rings: The Detroux Affair

April 19, 2011

“Child sexual abuse networks are part of the lifestyle of the generational satanists who make up the Belgian ruling elite. This behavior is not confined to Belgium.”

by David Richards
(for henrymakow.com)

The ‘Detroux Affair’ definitely proves the existence of Illuminati pedophile rings.

The scandal started with the arrest in Belgium of Marc Dutroux in 1996 for the abduction and murder of girls as young as eight. Dutroux imprisoned the girls in his basement where he sexually abused them and made pornographic videos. He would often murder them after they had served their usefulness. Two girls, An Marchal (age 17) and Eefje Lambrecks (age 19) were drugged and buried alive in Dutroux’s garden.

This case was explosive because Dutroux was a small cog in a sex-slave ring involving powerful people. His accomplice in the kidnappings, Michel Lelievre, testified, ‘Marc always told me that he kidnapped girls for people who had placed an order with him.’ He killed An and Eefje because the people who placed the order ‘weren’t interested in them.’

The orders came from a man named Michel Nihoul. A career criminal involved in financial fraud and drug trafficking, Nihoul had connections to the highest echelons of the Belgian establishment.

Survivors of the abuse networks were emboldened by Nihoul’s arrest and came forward to testify. Most witnesses were designated an ‘X’ followed by a number by the police, and so their testimonies became known as the ‘X-dossiers’.


The “X-witnesses” named the most powerful men in Belgium as abusers.

The use of abuse networks is characteristic of Elite families. For example, Count Maurice Lippens has been a regular Bilderberger attendee and co-ran Societe Generale in the 1980’s.

X1, X2, X4 and others named Maurice Lippens (left) and his brother Leopold, the long time mayor of Knokke, as vicious child abusers and participants in the snuff network. Curiously, Wikipedia omits this fact.

Elite sex abusers marry other sex abusers. X1 and X2 mentioned Baron Benoit de Bonvoisin, a Belgian aristocrat who was heavily involved in fascist organizations, as one of the most sadistic abusers in the network.

One of his sisters married Count Herve d’Ursel, who has been accused by X1 of involvement in the snuff and ritual abuse network. His other sister is married to Bernard de Merode, an intelligence-connected family that has been accused of child abuse by X4 and Nathalie W.

Even the Belgian Royal family has been implicated on several occasions. X3 (the only ‘X’ witness to have suffered abuse in the 50’s and 60s) implicated Prince Charles (1903-1983), the second son of King Albert I; King Baudouin (1930-1993), and the eldest son of King Leopold III.

Clearly child sexual abuse networks are part of the lifestyle of the generational satanists who make up the Belgian ruling elite. This behavior is not confined to Belgium.


The children were sent to VIP parties in clubs and villas where they were subjected to oral and penetrative sex escalating to perversions of unimaginable horror. These include violent anal rape of children as young as three, long torture sessions, and sex with animals. Some of the descriptions are horrifically fantastical, such X1’s testimony of giving birth:

“When the contractions started her [X1’s] grandmother made a phone call. The Lippens brothers, Vanden Boeynants and the assistant [police] commissioner of Knokke arrived. De Bonvoisin and Vander Elst arrived thereafter… Vander Elst puts a knife on her throat while Bonvoisin rapes her… She must masturbate while Vander Elst makes a number of photos. Lippens rapes her with a razor blade. When the child exited, de Bonvoisin beat her [multiple times in the face]. Directly after X1 gave birth she was raped and sodomized. Her daughter disappeared six weeks later.”

Due to the extreme abuse they suffered, the girls had Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) where the mind splits into tens and even hundreds of different personalities. These personalities are brought to life by different triggers, for instance a compliant sex-slave can be brought into existence by a certain word. When we hear X1’s testimony of her mind control, it is clear her ‘pimp’ Tony was trained in these techniques:

‘He gave me different names: Pietemuis, Meisje, Hoer, Bo. The names slowly started to become part of me. The strange thing was that if he mentioned a name, the mood that fit that name was immediately called up.’

The different personalities X1 describes give a horrifying window into the psyche of a sex-slave, ‘Pietemuis [Small Mouse] became the name of the little girl that he brought home after the abuse – a scared and nervous girl that he could comforted by talking to her in a caring and fatherly kind of way. Meisje [Girl] was the name of that part of me that only belonged to him. If he abused me in my bed in the early morning, for example, or if there was no one around us. Hoer [Whore], the name of that part of me that worked for him. Bo, the young woman who cared for him if he was drunk and needed to be looked after.’

‘Now you just leave that to me,’ he said when I asked him curiously why he gave me so many names, ‘daddy Tony knows you better than you know yourself.’ That was true.”

This is of course MK-Ultra mind control, evidence that abuse networks are internationally run by the secret services and criminal entities.

The children were usually murdered by the time they reached their 16th birthday. X1, X2, X3, X4 and others all spoke about children being murdered. These murders were often captured on video and shown at abuse parties and made into snuff films sold on the black-market for tens of thousands of dollars.


The abuse networks function as a system of blackmail to make sure everyone in the Illuminati and their criminal organizations toe the line.

X1 describes her role:

“In Brussels there was a villa in which a room was set up with built-in cameras. Even in the 1970s these cameras were so discreet that only the people who maintained them and the child- prostitutes knew where they were located… Why did I have to get those guys clearly in the picture, why was I supposed to get them to hit me and brutally rape me?… Blackmail, the word that was never mentioned, I only started to really understand when I was thirteen, fourteen years old…”

She learned that sex with children was a way to create and shore up business contracts. This is how the process worked (presumably continues to work):

X1’s handlers invited someone who could be useful to them to dinner and after they had been liquored up, to a party. Cocaine was plentiful and the men were led to ideas by child porn films played on video screens. The ‘prey’ were then taken to a room where a child lay waiting. After the sex, ‘Not one of these people was still inclined to sign contracts with individuals outside the network. If that happened one could make them pay dearly for that.’

Even Michel Nihoul has admitted that abuse networks are used for blackmail in an interview with Der Spiegel in 2001:

“I control the government. … Everyone has compromising dossiers on one another, to be used as leverage in the right situation. … This is the Belgian disease. …

“[Voice recorder turned off. For a 6-digit sum] I will give you a picture on which then Prince Albert jumps a 16 year old girl. Naked. Shot at the second floor of the Mirano Club 20 years ago [where a pedophile blackmail ring allegedly was situated, according to other witnesses]. … Then I have to leave Belgium.”

If a member of the Illuminati or one of their lackeys wants to get out, change their ways and repent, blackmail keeps them in-line. If you sell your soul to the devil you don’t get it back.


The Dutroux Affair a perfect illustration of how the justice system and mainstream media work in tandem with the establishment to hide the truth.

The investigation was thwarted from the beginning. The examining magistrate Jean-Marc Connerotte was appointed to the case. Connerotte was a good man and couldn’t be bought and so was taken off the case. He later said in court, ‘We were told by police that [murder] contracts had been taken out against the magistrates,’ and that ‘organized crime methods’ were used to ensure that his investigation ended in failure.

His replacement was a man named Jacques Langlois. He immediately decided that he didn’t want to hear anything about child abuse networks, and became one of the key figures responsible for dismantling the whole Detroux investigation by ignoring countless leads and sending his investigators off into all kinds of bogus issues.

Police commissioner Georges Marnette played a central role in these disinformation schemes. Both X2 and Nathalie W. identified Marnette as an abuser in the network.

Very quickly, the witnesses and parents of missing children lost faith in the justice system. Tiny Mast, whose daughter Kim Heyrman went missing in 1994, became a good friend of X1. She stated:

“I can tell hundreds of stories which, if I compare them with what the Verwilghen commission labeled as “mistakes”, really stretch the imagination. Those guys are so aggressive and so inhumane that I sometimes feel that they are part of the same clique as those who took away my children.”


To give you an idea of how much of a cover-up was involved, Langlios met with the producers of ‘Au Nom de la Loi’, an influential French-language TV program. Following these meetings, ‘Au Nom de la Loi’ broadcasted four extremely manipulative prime-time TV programs from 1997 to 2000 in which they tried to convince the public that Nihoul was an innocent victim in the whole Dutroux affair.

There have been at least 25 suspicious deaths tied to the Dutroux case, with even more reports of intimidation. The deaths became so obvious that Jean Denis Lejeune, the father of one of the girls kidnapped by Dutroux, remarked:

“As if by coincidence people die. There is no explanation for their deaths. For instance, they are victims of a deadly traffic accident just when they are under way to testify. Or one finds their charred bodies. Our judiciary apparently doesn’t have sleepless nights over this.”

The Belgian public knew very well it was a cover-up. Their anger found expression in the famous ‘White March’ where 300,000 people marched through the streets of Brussels in silent protest. It changed nothing.

Detroux was eventually jailed for life while Nihoul was found not guilty of abducting and murdering children. Those higher up the food chain were left untouched.


Illuminati abuse networks function for the exercise of extreme sadomasochistic urges as well as a system of blackmail that keeps members from breaking rank.

Cases such as the ‘Franklin Cover-up’ have shown this system exists in the States. The ‘Detroux Affair’ reveals Belgium to be another epicenter of this behavior. Perhaps this is one reason why Brussels is the capital of the EU.

The information contained in such cases is horrific but vital in exposing the dark heart of those who rule the world. It is very difficult to comprehend their evil actions, but if these people are capable of orchestrating world wars, killing millions, why would sexually abusing and murdering children be taboo?

Related – Canada’s Justice System