Che’s Cuban Cigar speech

Che Guevara’s Ghost: A Manifesto Against Mammon

Posted on Immortal Technique’s Website

Brothers and sisters,

I speak to you from the shadows of history, where revolutions are remembered and forgotten, where the blood of the oppressed stains the soil, and where the dazzling glitter of Mammon blinds the eyes of the many. My voice is not bound by the grave, for the spirit of revolution cannot be silenced.

The American Empire, the modern colossus, strides across the world with arrogance and greed. Its weapons are not just drones and missiles but the subtle chains of debt, propaganda, and consumerism. It preaches freedom while enslaving nations with the seductive promise of wealth. It whispers of democracy while funding dictatorships. And all the while, Mammon—golden and gleaming—sits on his throne, laughing at the suffering he has wrought.

You, my comrades, live in a time of contradictions. The empire tells you that happiness is in the things you buy, that your worth is in the numbers on a screen, that your dreams are only as big as your paycheck. But I tell you this: Mammon’s glitter is a lie. The true wealth of humanity lies not in what can be bought but in what can be shared.

The empire feeds you the illusion of choice, but your choices have been preordained by corporations, algorithms, and the endless churn of a system designed to keep you docile. They want you distracted, pacified, and divided—because a united people, armed with knowledge and courage, is the empire’s greatest fear.

I call on you, the children of the revolution, to remember what they want you to forget: that the power lies not in their towers of glass and steel, but in your hearts, your hands, and your minds.

Rise against Mammon, not with violence, but with a refusal to bow. Build communities that cannot be bought. Educate yourselves and others. Create art that inspires and awakens. Speak truth to power, even when your voice trembles.

And above all, remember this: The revolution is not an event; it is a process. It is not a single battle but a lifetime of resistance. The American Empire will crumble, as all empires do, but it will not happen on its own. It will happen because of you.

Mammon may glitter, but the fire of justice burns brighter. Let it burn in you.

Hasta la victoria siempre,

The post went viral, sparking debates, protests, and renewed calls for change. Felipe Coronel, reading the comments, smiled to himself. Che’s ghost had spoken—and the world was listening.

Che’s Hands

Psalms 144 Praise be to the LORD my Rock, who trains my hands for war, my fingers for battle. He is my loving God and my fortress, my stronghold and my deliverer, my shield, in whom I take refuge, who subdues peoples under me.


Tell my wife she is free to remarry.