Empty Ethiopian Bread Basket

The Black Horse and Famine… This rider carries a pair of scales in his hand
and seems to refer to a famine

2021: Africa well poised to emerge as the the future breadbasket of the world…

The Ethiopian famine seems to be a repeat of the Ukraine Famine in 1933, another bread basket of the world.

Psalms 33:19 Delivering them from death,
keeping them alive in times of famine.


Hindsight is 20/20 about starving bread baskets…almost 100 years later the Ukraine famine is acknowledged as being man made and artificial. Almost 50 years since the Ethiopian famine and Dr. K’s food as a weapon plan is being exposed.

The word hindsight refers to looking back or reflecting on things in the past, and 20/20 refers to perfect vision. So when we look back on situations in the past, we see things clearly that were not clear to us at the time.

11 thoughts on “Empty Ethiopian Bread Basket

  1. In 1963 Khrushchev began an initiative to widely expand fertilizer production and availability throughout the Soviet Union….after Nelson Rockefeller threatened to fire him as head of the CCCP

    Chapter 7

    One of the great changes in our world during the last fifty years
    has been the “green revolution,” the so-called agricultural revolution
    in many parts of the Third World. This revolution was supposed to
    rapidly bring the Third World countries into the twentieth century,
    and allow them to compete on an equal basis with the more
    advanced Western nations. As the twentieth century now recedes
    into history, it is apparent that this objective has not been achieved.
    Asian and Latin American countries are offering more competition
    in the production of finished goods at a much cheaper labor cost, but
    in agriculture, despite the fact that vast new markets have been
    created for the Rockefeller chemical operations, the alleviation of
    poverty, which supposedly was the goal of the “green revolution”
    remains a chimera. In fact, those areas of the world which have long
    been marked on the maps as “undeveloped” had no notation of the
    fact that this was a code word for “unexploited,” that is, not yet
    exploited by the rapacious international conspirators. The only real
    interest of the financiers is to develop markets for their products
    which can return a profit. Because most of the Third World
    countries are unable to pay for goods, a complex system has been
    developed whereby the American taxpayer sends “aid” to the Third
    World. He works in a factory to make a tractor; the tractor is then
    sent to Bolivia, and then a payment for it is extorted from the
    worker’s wages. A further refinement is a system whereby American
    or international banks “lend” the money to these countries so that
    they can pay for the goods; the Federal Reserve System then
    “guarantees” these uncollectible loans with American taxpayers’
    funds. Once again, the worker has the money extorted from his
    paycheck to cover the cost of the goods he produces. The framers of
    the Constitution never envisioned such a development, with the
    result that when the worker cites the Constitution for relief from the
    extortion, the judge indignantly throws him into jail for “irrelevant”
    and “confusing” testimony. The world is now a Gulag Archipelago,
    run by the ruthless minions of the Rockefeller-Rothschild
    conglomerate. Its gods are money and power; its only enemy is the
    advocate of liberty.
    The current hero of the Rockefeller interests is Norman
    Borlaug, who was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1970. An Iowa
    farmer, Borlaug had been sent to Mexico by the Rockefeller
    interests in 1944 to develop new types of grain. During his
    experiments there, he mated 60,000 different species of wheat,
    resulting in the creation of an all tropical race of dwarfs, double


    dwarfs and triple dwarfs by 1964. This was hailed as “the green
    revolution.” The resulting “superwheat” produced greater yields, but
    this was done by “hyping” the soil with huge amounts of fertilizer
    per acre, the fertilizer being the product of nitrates and petroleum,
    commodities controlled by the Rockefellers. Huge quantities of
    herbicides and pesticides were also used, creating additional markets
    for the Rockefeller chemical empire. In effect, “the green
    revolution” was merely a chemical revolution. At no point could the
    Third World nations be expected to pay for the huge amounts of
    chemical fertilizers and pesticides. This was again taken care of by
    the system of “foreign aid” which was already in place.
    The Rockefeller interests also sent Robert Chandler to the
    Philippines to develop a “Miracle Rice”; the result was a rice which
    used three times the previous amount of fertilizer. This rice matured
    in four months instead of the previous six months, producing three
    crops a year instead of two. When two Phillippine groups of wealthy
    entrepreneurs began to contest each other for local spinoffs of the
    profits of “Miracle Rice,” the Rockefellers decided to oust one
    group, the Marcos combine, replacing it with the Aquino faction,
    which had close ties to the Chase Manhattan Bank, and which could
    be depended on to pay interest on loans. As usual, Rockefeller
    “philanthropy” was closely inter-linked with markets, profits and
    political control. Modern fertilizer is a petroleum based industry.
    At the conclusion of the Second World War, the munitions
    manufacturers found themselves faced with huge inventories of
    nitrates. Because of the outbreak of peace, which is always regarded
    with horror by the philanthropic foundations, new markets had to be
    found, and quickly, for these commodities. Nitrogen and nitrates
    were key ingredients in the manufacture of bombs and shells. A
    comparable peacetime market had to be developed. Following the
    precept which they had established after the First World War, when
    the monopolists, faced with a huge supply of leftover chlorine,
    which had been manufactured at great expense to cause intensive
    suffering and death, found that the only possible market was to sell
    it to American communities, who would then pour it into their water
    supplies, it was decided in 1945 that the only outlet for the huge
    inventory of nitrates was to put it into the food chain, as fertilizer.
    The increasing rate of deaths from heart attacks in the United
    States for the past fifty years has been ingenuously explained by
    apologists for the Medical Monopoly as one more illustration of the
    “fact” that Americans were living longer, their advancing years
    making them more susceptible to “degenerative” diseases such as
    cancer and heart trouble. This was the usual copout from the
    medical establishment, which conveniently ignored important
    advances in the American lifestyle. For a number of years during the
    nineteenth century, epidemics of cholera and typhoid fever had
    devastated the inhabitants of large American cities, the outbreaks
    being due to poor sanitation and contamination of the water supply.
    When the monopolists poured their excess chlorine into the water
    supplies after the First World War, the result was widely hailed as
    having ended the epidemics of cholera and typhoid fever. In fact,
    chlorination had not been responsible for this development. Typhoid
    fever had been largely due to the contamination of city streets by
    large quantities of horse droppings, which festered and drew flies.
    When it rained, this contamination was washed into the water
    supply. With the advent of the automobile, and the disappearance of
    horses from city streets as our main means of transportation, typhoid
    fever vanished almost overnight. This occurred during the 1920s,
    when automobiles replaced horses on the streets.
    The dumping of this war material into our water supply did
    have one unforeseen effect. It brought on a new epidemic, an
    epidemic of heart attacks. The chlorine in the water combined with
    animal fats in the diet to form a chemical amalgam, which then
    formed a gummy substance in the arteries; this created a medical
    condition called atherosclerosis. The buildup of this gummy
    substance in the arteries gradually interfered with the circulation of
    the blood, finally closing off the main arteries to the heart, and
    bringing on the attacks of angina pectoris and coronary heart
    attacks. Here again, a seeming “advance” in hygiene proved to be
    yet another boon for the Medical Monopoly, as the offices of the
    physicians were filled with Americans suffering from heart disease.
    At the conclusion of World War II, the monopolists began a
    concerted effort to dump their surplus nitrates into the American
    food chain. County agents throughout the United States were told to
    advise farmers in their areas to increase their use of fertilizers,
    herbicides and pesticides. This advice served to make farming even
    more capital intensive, forcing the farmers to go to the banks to
    borrow more money, and paving the way for the program of forcing
    the individual farmers off the land, creating great agricultural
    monopolies, similar to the Soviet Agricultural Trust. Farmers also
    borrowed heavily to buy expensive tractors which ran on gasoline,
    greatly adding to the Rockefeller revenues, and at the same time
    depriving them of the fertilizer formerly available from their horses.
    It was hardly coincidental that the banks, which so cheerfully anted
    up the loans needed by the farmers who faithfully followed the
    instructions of their county agents, were banks who got their funds
    from the Federal Reserve System. This monopoly of the nation’s
    money and credit had been planned at a secret meeting of
    conspirators on Jekyl Island, Georgia in November of 1910, a
    meeting presided over by Senator Nelson Aldrich, whose daughter
    had recently married John D. Rockefeller, Jr.
    The nutritional value of foods grown in heavily fertilized soil,
    and the fact that these foods then undergo extensive “processing” to
    render them more convenient for large scale warehousing,
    transportation and retailing, has been glossed over by the Medical
    Monopoly. A protesting voice was heard when Dr. H. M. Sinclair, a
    leading nutritionist, and head of the Laboratory of Human Nutrition,
    Magdalen College, Oxford, gave a 1957 World Health Day address,
    which was reprinted in the British Medical Journal, December 14,
    1957. Dr. Sinclair recalled that from his earliest days as a medical

    student, “my clinical teachers could not answer why the expectation
    of life in this century of the middle-aged man is hardly different
    from what it was at the beginning of this century, or even a century
    ago. This means that despite the great advances in medicine—
    pneumonia almost abolished, tuberculosis comparatively rare, the
    magnificent advances in surgery, endocrinology, and public
    health—a middle-aged man cannot expect to live more than four
    years longer than he could a century ago—and indeed, in Scotland,
    the expectation of life is now actually decreasing.”
    In 1893, a German agricultural chemist, Dr. Julius Hensel,
    wrote in his book “Bread From Stones,” “Agriculture has entered
    into the sign of cancer … we cannot be indifferent to what kind of
    crops we raise for our nourishment or with what substances our
    fields are fertilized. It cannot be all sufficient that great quantities
    are harvested, but that great quantity must also be of good quality. It
    is indisputable that by merely fertilizing with marl, i.e., with
    carbonate of lime, such a large yield may be obtained as to make a
    man inclined to always content himself with marl, but with such a
    one-sided fertilization slowly but surely, evil effects of various
    kinds will develop; these have given rise to the axiom of experience:
    “Manuring with lime makes rich fathers but poor sons.” As our
    present fine flour, freed from bran, furnished almost entirely devoid
    of nutrients, we need not wonder at the great number of modern
    maladies.” This was written in 1893, before the Rockefeller interests
    flooded the world with their petroleum based fertilizers.
    To counteract the growing array of inert, nutrition deficient
    foods, the minions of the Medical Monopoly have not been idle.
    While conducting wars of attrition against the leading exponents of
    better nutrition, the Food and Drug Administration and the
    American Medical Association have valiantly defended the use of
    chemical fertilizers. The widely circulated AMA magazine, Today’s
    Health, found in every public school and library, in September
    1958, stated, “Extensive research conducted by the Federal
    Government has shown that the nutritional value of crops is not
    affected by the soil of the fertilizers used . . .” This was contradicted
    by the Rockefeller Foundation’s own Dr. Alexis Carrel, who wrote,
    “Chemical fertilizers, by increasing the abundance of the crops
    without replacing all the exhausted elements of the soil, have
    indirectly contributed to change the nutritive value of cereal grains
    and vegetables. Hens have been compelled by artificial diet and
    mode of living, to enter the ranks of mass producers. Has not the
    quality of their eggs been modified? The same question may be
    asked about milk, because cows are now confined to the stable all
    year round, and are fed with manufactured provender. Hygienists
    have not paid sufficient attention to the genesis of diseases. Their
    studies of conditions of life and diet, and of their effect on the
    physiological and mental state of modern man, are superficial,
    incomplete and of too short duration.”
    Despite the claims of government researchers, the importance
    of soil is shown by the fact that the proportion of iron in lettuce can
    vary from 1 mg per hundred to 50 mg per hundred, according to
    conditions of the soil in which it is grown. The Middle West has
    long been known as “the goiter belt,” because of a widespread
    deficiency of iodine in the soil. The British Isles, which have been
    heavily farmed for almost two thousand years, have such
    deficiencies of minerals in the soil that the British are known the
    world over for then-bad teeth.
    The present system of agricultural chemistry was fathered by
    Dr. Justus von Liebig, a German chemistry professor who suggested
    that minerals should be added to the soil and acids added to make
    them more available to plants. Chemistry agriculture uses soluble
    chemicals which are either acidic or basic, their final effect being to
    acidify the soil, while the use of chemical minerals renders the soil
    useless. It has been suggested that we are still living on the benefits
    conferred by the last Glacial Age, and that the only way to
    remineralize the soil is to undergo another Glacial Age, as has
    previously happened about every 100,000 years.
    Dr. W. M. Albrecht, chairman of the Department of Soils at the
    University of Missouri School of Agriculture, states, “While it has
    long been common belief that disease is an infliction visited upon us
    from without, there is a growing recognition that it possibly
    originates from within because of deficiencies and failure to nourish
    ourselves completely. Fuller knowledge of nutrition is revealing
    mounting numbers of cases of deficiency diseases. These tend to be
    traced, not only to the supplies in the food and supermarket where
    the family budget may provide them, but a bit further, and closer to
    their origin, namely, the fertilization of the soil, the point at which
    all agricultural production takes off . . . These increasing cases
    classified as deficiencies are bolstering the truth of that old adage,
    which told us that ‘to be well fed is to be healthy.’ ”
    Many of the strange new diseases which have arisen to plague
    us in recent years are found to have a nutritional origin. Dr.
    Josephson identifies myasthenia gravis as an endocrine disorder
    resulting from a deficiency of manganese, which may be caused
    either by defective assimilation of manganese or by defective
    metabolism. The need for chemical fertilizers may have stemmed
    from a longstanding flaw in the method of farming, the use of the
    moldbord plow. Edward H. Faulkner, professor at the University of
    Oklahoma, discovered that the moldbord plow was destroying the
    fertility of the soil. He counteracted this effect by disking green
    manure into the surface and eliminating the plow, an instrument
    which sandwiches virtually all green manure (decaying plant matter
    and vegetable residue found on the surface of the ground) some six
    to eight inches below the surface, where it forms a barrier to water,
    which should rise from the water table. The upper six inches then
    becomes dry, as the capillary action of water movement is blocked.
    Plants grown on this plow-depleted soil attract insects, while their
    vitamin and mineral content is depleted. The plants become sickly
    and die.
    Seeing this result, the farmer then decides that the problem is
    the lack of some element in the soil, not realizing that it is the plow
    which has interfered with the capillary action of water in the soil. He
    then becomes a ready customer for large quantities of chemical
    fertilizers. One of the principal producers of these fertilizers was the
    Rockefeller-controlled American Agricultural and Chemical
    Company. Not surprisingly, one of its directors, John C. Traphagen,
    was also a director of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York and
    the Rockefeller Institute of Medicine. A prime mover and director of
    the American Cancer Society, Traphagen was president of the Bank
    of New York, and director of the Fifth Avenue Bank. He was also a
    director of Wyandotte Chemicals, Hudson Insurance, Brokers and
    Shippers Insurance, Caledonian American Insurance, Foreign
    Bondholders Protective Association, Sun Insurance, Ltd. (one of the
    three principal Rothschild firms), Atlantic Mutual Insurance, Eagle
    Fire Insurance, Norwich Union Fire Insurance, Ltd., International
    Nickel, Royal Insurance Company, Royal Liverpool Insurance, and
    many other London insurance firms, most of whom were within the
    Rothschild orbit.
    Also on the board of American Agricultural and Chemical was
    John Foster Dulles, of the Wall Street law firm, Sullivan and
    Cromwell; he served as Eisenhower’s Secretary of State while his
    brother Allen was head of the Central Intelligence Agency. Dulles
    was also a director of International Nickel, Bank of New York,
    American Banknote Company (which furnished the paper used by
    the Federal Reserve System to print its paper money, which was
    backed by paper bonds) and chairman of the Carnegie Endowment
    for International Peace, of which Alger Hiss was President, director
    of the New York Public Library, Union Theological Seminary, and
    the New York State Banking Board. Dulles had been secretary at the
    Hague Peace Conference in 1907, and served as his uncle’s secretary
    at the Paris Peace Conference in 1918, Robert Lansing, Wilson’s
    Secretary of State. Dulles later served on the Reparations
    Commission and the Supreme Economic Council with Bernard
    Baruch in 1919; he attended the Berlin Debt Conference in 1933,
    and was American delegate to the United Nations in San Francisco
    when Alger Hiss wrote the United Nations Charter in 1945. Both
    Dulles and brother Allen had attended a historic conference with
    Baron Kurt von Schroder and Adolf Hitler in Cologne in 1933,
    when the Dulles brothers assured Hitler that Wall Street bankers
    would advance him the money to launch his Nazi regime in
    Also on the board of American Ag & Chem was George C.
    Clark of the investment bankers, Clark and Dodge; John R. Dillon,
    chairman of Unexcelled Chemical Company, Lone Start Cement,
    and was also a theatre tycoon, director of National Theatres,
    Twentieth Century Fox, Skouras Theatres, and also an aircraft
    tycoon, as director of Curtiss-Wright and Wright Aeronautical; also
    on the board was banker Robert Stone, partner of Hayden Stone,
    director of Rockefeller’s Mesabi Iron Ore and Island Greek Coal
    Company, Punta Alegre Sugar Company, U.S. Envelope, John P.
    Chase Company, Philadelphia and Norfolk Steamship Company,
    Amoskeag Company and William Whitmore Company.
    Another member of Ag & Chem was Elliott V. Bell, who was
    also director of the American Cancer Society. He had been a
    financial writer for the New York Times from 1929 to 1939, which
    gave him entree into the highest financial circles. He became
    economic adviser to Thomas Dewey in 1940, Supt. of Banks for
    New York State from 1947-49, director of McGraw Hill, editor of
    the business magazine Business-week, director of Rockefeller’s
    Chase Manhattan Bank, New York Life, New York Telephone
    Company, Tricontinental Corporation, Revere Copper and Brass and
    other firms. He also was appointed to the Committee on Social
    Security Finance for HEW, and trustee of the John S. Guggenheim
    Foundation, the Roger Straus Foundation. His daughter is a leading
    New York socialite, Mrs. Thomas Hoving, one of the “beautiful
    The use of chemical fertilizers caused the protein content of
    vegetables to drop steadily at the rate of ten per cent a year.
    However, the most dangerous effect, and the probable cause of
    much nutritionally induced disease, was the fact that chemical
    fertilizer reduced the amount of potassium in the soil, while
    increasing the amount of sodium. Potassium and sodium are the
    leaders of the two electrically opposite groups. Inactive potassium in
    the system precipitates illness, especially cancer. The increased
    sodium may explain the dramatic increase in the incidence of high
    blood pressure throughout the United States, because our population
    is ingesting steadily increasing amounts of sodium from foods
    grown in chemically fertilized soil, while simultaneously suffering
    from the effects of steadily declining levels of potassium in the
    human system. Potassium is especially necessary for the regulation
    of the heart beat; its lack in the body makes the system prone to
    sudden heart attacks.
    Nutritionists now believe that the use of chemical fertilizers in
    the soil causes seventy per cent of all anemia in the citizens of the
    United States, because these fertilizers do not replace iron in the
    soil, but actually remove it.
    The use of chemical fertilizers also accelerated the domination
    of the world’s grain supply by large corporations which are closely
    affiliated with the Rockefeller interests. In 1919, the largest grain
    grower in the world was the Montana Farming Corporation. At that
    time, wheat was selling for a guaranteed price of $2.20 a bushel and
    the combine was raking in huge profits. Montana’s board of
    directors was headed by J. P. Morgan, whose vast interests in
    banking, steel and railroads had given no inkling of his desire to
    become a farmer; Morgan was serving on the Federal Advisory
    Council of the Federal Reserve Board, representing the New York
    central banking area. His associates on the board of Montana
    Farming were Rockefeller’s banker, James Stillman of the National
    City Bank—two of his daughters married two sons of William
    Rockefeller; Francis Hinckley Sisson, vice-president of the Morgan
    controlled bank, Guaranty Trust—it is now Morgan Guaranty Trust;
    Charles D. Norton, whom Morgan placed as President Taft’s
    personal secretary during the Taft presidency. Norton served as
    president of Morgan’s First National Bank (later merged with
    Rockefeller’s National City Bank to form the present banking giant,
    Citibank). Norton had been one of the original conspirators present
    at Jekyl Island to secretly draft the Federal Reserve Act. He was a
    director of Montgomery Ward, Equitable Life, ATT, Tidewater Oil,
    and the Delaware and Lackawanna Railroad. He was also director of
    a number of Morgan’s favorite charities, the American Red Cross,
    the Russell Sage Foundation and the Metropolitan Museum. Also on
    the board of Montana Farming was Charles H. Sabin, a director of
    Guaranty Trust, Merchants and Metals National Bank, president of
    the Asia Banking Corporation, American Foreign Securities
    Corporation, the Mackay Companies, Postal Telegraph and many
    other firms.
    Today, the world grain trade is firmly in the hand of five firms,
    Cargill, Continental Grain, Louis Dreyfus, Bunge and Andre. These
    firms have waxed rich and powerful by riding the tide of the
    supergrains developed by the Rockefeller Trust. They maintain
    close contact with these interests, and the banking interests of the
    Rockefellers, relying principally on the Chase Manhattan
    international network. These firms have also profited from the
    Rockefeller Foundation’s development of hybrid seeds, notably
    corn. From a commercial standpoint, the attraction of the hybrids is
    that they cannot reproduce themselves. As a result, the farmer has to
    ante up the money to buy a new supply of the hybrid seeds each
    year. Hybrid seeds have another great attraction for the monopolists;
    they give the parent company, which owns the patent, a monopoly
    on that particular variety of seed. Thus we have the twin factors of
    commercial viability and monopoly to give the banks and the
    Chemical Trust a stranglehold on the American Farmer. Hybrid
    seeds yield an average increase of twenty to thirty per cent more per
    acre, which is a strong selling point to the farmer. Likewise the
    “miracle wheat” which was originated at the International Maize and
    Wheat Improvement Center at El Butan, Mexico, resulted in the
    development of a wheat strain which could stand up under the force
    of lashing rains and tropical storms. It was produced by crossing
    Mexican wheat with the strains of Japanese dwarfs which had short,
    tough stems. Norin-10, from the island of Honshu, was hardy
    enough to stand up under Japanese typhoons. It became the type
    which made the “green revolution” a reality. After 1960, the
    Mexican station released a long line of wheats, Nanair 60, for the
    year 1960, Pitic 62, Penjamo 62, Sonora 64, Lerma Rojo 64, India
    66, Siete Cerros 66, Super X 67, Yecoar 70, and Cajeme 71.
    Although they required intensive fertilization and irrigation, they all
    could thrive in tropical countries. The Big Five wield enormous
    political and financial power because of their enormous cash flow,
    and because so many governments depend on their food supply to
    maintain political stability. This was demonstrated during what
    historians now call the Great Soviet Grain Robbery in 1972.
    Arranged by Henry Kissinger, longtime Rockefeller stooge from the
    Chase Manhattan Bank, this deal bailed out the tottering Soviet
    government, while costing the American taxpayer many billions. In
    July, 1972, the Soviet Union bought wheat from the United States,
    in an attempt to compensate for the disastrous incompetence of the
    Soviet communal system of agriculture. In 1963, Russia had begun
    a policy of purchasing wheat from abroad by buying 6.8 million
    tons from Canada for $500 million. To pay for the purchases from
    the United States in 1972, the Soviet Union was allowed to cover
    the payment in the following manner; the central bank of Hungary,
    acting for the Soviet Union, placed an order to sell the dollar short
    for $20 billion. Secretary of the Treasury, John Connally, then
    devalued the dollar by ten per cent. The Soviet Union made $4
    billion on its short selling of the dollar, and paid for the grain.
    Michel Sidona, who had been deeply involved with the Rothschilds
    and the Hambro family in international financial manipulations,
    described the process from his prison cell, where he was later found
    dead. “In its fathomless naivete, the United States has provided the
    Soviet Union with $4 billion, money that has since doubtless been
    invested in the destruction of its benefactors; I began to see then that
    America was the consort of its own ruin. I tell you, in all of history,
    no power has so blindly armed and succored its enemies as she.”
    The Soviet grain deal resulted in increasing the price of all food
    supplies in the United States by twenty per cent. Because of
    restrictions imposed by Congress on shipping grain in foreign
    vessels, a measure which had been passed to aid our dwindling
    maritime fleet, the Soviet grain purchases in 1972 cost the American
    taxpayer an additional fifty-five million dollars in subsidies to bulk
    carriers. The American carriers shipped the grain for sixteen dollars
    a ton, although foreign vessels would have carried it for nine dollars
    a ton.
    To this day, only a few international grain traders and Soviet
    officials actually know the price charged for forty million tons of
    grain which the Soviets bought from the United States between
    1971 and 1977. Officials at the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture state that
    they have no records on the price paid, or whether it was ever paid.
    Only Henry Kissinger knows, and he is not telling.
    The Big Five grain dealers are also heavily involved in
    currency manipulations, trading vast sums each day in currency
    futures, because their grain deals cause great fluctuations in the
    valuation of world currencies. With their inside track, they make
    huge profits whether the value of the currencies moves up or down.
    Cargill now has 25% of the world’s grain trade; Bunge of Argentina
    has 20%; Continental Grain began operations during the Napoleonic
    Wars, supplying grain to both sides; it has 25% of the world grain
    trade—the present head of the firm, Michel Fribourg, owns 90% of
    the stock, with his son Rene; Michel Fribourg was a French citizen
    who joined the U.S. Army Intelligence during World War II; he


    subsequently became a U.S. citizen; Andre, a Swiss family
    belonging to a strict sect of Swiss Calvinists who are members of
    the worldwide and very militant Plymouth Brethren; and Dreyfus,
    which has twenty per cent of the world grain trade. Dreyfus is now
    headed by Nathaniel Samuels, who served on President Nixon’s
    team as Under Secretary for Economic Affairs. The chairman of
    Bunge, Walter Klein, whose office is at One Chase Manhattan
    Plaza, New York,

  2. This is a good book:

    has all the information

    Architects of Deception: The Secret History of Freemasonry

    Thomas Ferguson, the Latin American case officer for the State
    Department’s Office of Population Affairs (OPA), wrote in the early
    1970s: “There is a single theme behind all our work – we must reduce
    population levels. Our failure to lower population by simple means has
    created the basis for a national security crisis. The government of El Salvador failed to use our programs to lower their population. Now they get
    a civil war because of it…. There will be dislocation and food shortages.
    They still have too many people there. Civil wars are somewhat drawnout ways to reduce population. The quickest way to reduce population is
    through famine, like in Africa or through disease like the Black Death. We
    look at our strategic needs, and we say that this country must lower its
    population – or else we will have trouble. So steps are taken.” (Executive
    Intelligence Review, Special Report, 25 June 2000, pp. 28-30)
    Cyrus Vance (1917-2002, Skull & Bones, Trilateral Commission,
    Council on Foreign Relations, Bohemian Club), who in 1976 became
    President James Earl Carter’s secretary of states, in 1975 edited the
    600-page report “Global 2000”, which was ordered by power elite.


    Among many other things it is a plan to reduce the world population
    by means of wars, famine, diseases, and plagues the to 2.5 billion
    people by the year 2000. The population of the United States should
    be reduced to 100 million by the year of 2050.
    The goal of the New World Order is to establish a totalitarian world
    government. To achieve this goal the masonic leaders so far have
    taken the following measures:

    1. They have taken complete control of the monetary market
    through the masonic families Rothschild, Warburg, Schiff,
    Rockefeller, the currency speculator George Soros.
    2. They have exercised influence over the media through the freemasons William Randolph Hearst, Adolph Ochs, Silvio Berlusconi,
    Rupert Murdoch et al.
    3. They have established control of the political system through the
    Grand Orient freemasonry in France, Italy, Latin America, Russia,
    Eastern Europe and in other countries. Georges Pompidou, Dean
    Rusk, Walter Mondale, Franz-Joseph Strauss, Willy Brandt, Bruno
    Kreisky and many leading politicians were members of various
    lodges. The last President of the Soviet Union, Mikhail Gorbachov, became a freemason in the Knights Templar in the United States, where he received the degree Knight of Malta ( Novoye
    Russkoye Slovo, New York, December 1989; Oleg Soloviov,
    “Freemasonry in World Politics in the 20th Century”, Moscow,
    1998). On 16 November 1991, Russian President Boris Yeltsin was
    also initiated into this lodge (Sovetskaya Rossiya, 9 September
    4. They have spread a revolting type of “entertainment” like action
    movies with violence; pornography; disharmonious plagiarized
    popular music like that by the freemasons George Gershwin and
    Irving Berlin (Israel Baline, 32nd degree), who came from Russia;
    and hard rock music; propagated for competitive sports such as
    soccer, which reaped 300 victims during the 1980s and in 1969
    caused a war between Honduras and El Salvador that lasted four
    days and cost 6000 lives and made 50 000 people homeless). The


    freemasons Louis B. Mayer (Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer), Darryl Zanuck, Rupert Murdoch (20th Century Fox), Jack Warner (Warner
    Brothers Fame) have all done harm to mankind by spreading
    their disgusting movies. Hollywood was already in the 1930s in
    the control of the freemason bankers Kuhn, Loeb & Co. and
    Goldman Sachs

  3. REV 2:9 “I know your tribulation and poverty, but you are rich.
    I know the slander of those who claim to be Jews and are not,
    but rather are members of the assembly of Satan.

    There is also a reference from 1658 concerning the arrival at
    Newport, Rhode Island of fifteen Jewish families of Dutch origin
    bringing with them the three first degrees of freemasonry.
    Moses Hays started in Newport, Rhode Island, and Charleston a
    masonic core group of cabbalistic Jews, who had become millionaires
    in the Negro slave trade, among them were the Lopez and de Leon
    families. Hays was himself a banker. All these people would soon
    plunge into the opium trade. These elements formed the Scottish
    Rite in the United States. Only prominent individuals were accepted.
    The Jewish masonic elite organized captured black people in Africa
    and transported them to America and controlled every slave market
    in the United States. That alone the Jewish freemason Aaron Lopez
    had control of more than half of the combined deals in the Colony of
    Rhode Island (with Newport) is a well-known fact (“Documents
    Illustrative of the History of the Slave Trade in America”, the
    Carnegie Institute, Washington”). He had more than 5 per cent of all
    dealings with the black people for almost fifty years (1726-1774).
    There were other ships that he owned, but sailed under other names.
    The evidence is still available to see.
    More than 300 ships, owned by the Jews (Isaac Gomez, Hayman
    Levy, Moses Ben Franks, Isaac Dias, Benjamin Levy and many others),
    were engaged in the slave trade.
    The Jewish agency called Asiento, that later operated from Holland
    and England, helped Jewish freemasons provide black slaves for the
    colonists. With the yearly capture and transport of one million black
    slaves it is not difficult to figure that from 1661 to 1774 (113 years)
    approximately 110 million slaves had been removed from their native


    land. About 10 per cent or eleven million black slaves reached the
    colonies alive.
    Each Negro was valued at about 100 gallons of rum, 100 pounds of
    gunpowder, or in cash 18-20 dollars. Later the price was 40 dollars.
    The blacks, purchased at the African coast for 20 to 40 dollars, where
    then resold by the same Jewish masonic slave dealers in America for
    2000 dollars. 11 million x 2000 dollars! This gives you an idea how
    the Jewish masonic leaders managed to build up tremendous fortunes.
    Already from the start fundamentalist Jews were actively involved
    in spreading freemasonry in America. The Jewish freemason Samuel
    Oppenheim’s book “The Jews and Masonry in the United States before
    1810” (American Jewish Historical Society, 1910) proves this.
    Extremist masonic Jews wished to play the leading role. The
    Spanish extremist Jew Salomon Pinto became a member of the Hiram
    lodge in New York in 1763. Two years later he was already master of
    the chair. The banker Moses Seixas founded in Newport, Rhode
    Island, the Jewish lodge King David in the 1780s and became the
    first grand master of the Grand Lodge of Rhode Island (1791-1800).
    All of the members were Jews.

    Other leading masonic Jews were: H. Blum (grand master of the
    grand lodge) in Mississippi, Jacob Lampert in Missouri, Nathan
    Vascher in Texas, Benjamin Jacob in Alabama, and Max Meierhardt in
    Georgia. As grand master of the grand lodge, Meierhardt, was also the
    publisher of The Masonic Herald. The extremist Jew Edwin Mark was
    grand master in Louisiana the years 1879-1880 (Viktor Ostretsov,
    “Masonry, Culture, and Russian History”, Moscow, 1999, p 604). Wellknown Jewish grand masters were Solomon Bush in Pennsylvania,
    Joseph Myers in Maryland and later in South Carolina, Abraham Forst
    in Philadelphia in 1781, and Solomon Jacobs in Virginia in 1810. At
    least 51 Jews became grand masters. Also many orthodox rabbis
    participated in the masonic movement in the United States


    is my favorite character in BLOOD DIAMOND

    but where did SOLOMON the KING hide his TREASURE?

    all we know is that he took it out of AFRICA and put it somewhere

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