10 thoughts on “Stepping into My Avatar

  1. what if ??? whaif If??

    i keanu reeves like superman christiopher reeve

    teaching kids to commit suicide by jumping off a building??

    i am a new jim jones

    but i don’t fly high with my FBI friends

    what if neo was the agent in the matrix

    that would blow your mind i think

    that keanu ‘s messiah complex is a fugazi

  2. keanu reeves

    u and your hollywood disease

    got the children on their knees
    begging please

    if harry potter can put them at ease
    the real chosen one
    wasn’t the red baron
    or hitler or stalin
    all u nazis and reds starin
    at katniss pussy at the fappening
    The Simpson family never had a chance against goldman sachs u see
    since OJ was only of the 32nd degreee
    that was on his jersey
    as Bon Jovi the superman
    destroys the ozone layer
    and trump gets cancer from his tan
    they want to take as back to the nam
    fighting iran
    so britney can cheer
    and we can all drink george bush’s budweiser beer
    with john heinz Kerry’s toxic tomato crazy clown concoction

    don’t taze me bro
    don’t taze me

    i’m good

    i’m done


    you are not to date a drug dealer

    i don’t care if they are legal, they are still PHARMAkeia, revelation 9 and revelation 18 is your homework. And, 1 our father and 3 hail mary’s

  4. I’m in a camilla cabello mk ultra blue blood boyfriend situation Che:

    everyone says i am crazy waiting on immortal technique….corey booker says the immortal techniques are reserved for the financial and political elite

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