Puppet Master Posted on August 31, 2021 by Pope Pius XIII Rothschild owns the bitcoins now CONCLUSION Always remember the golden rule: He who has the gold, makes the rules.
In Genesis 3:15 the Lord said that Mary would someday crush the serpent’s head, the serpent being the devil. Reply ↓
Dialogue in which Alex is told he is like a little child, and tonight will be graduating to a man-size crast (theft in slavic) Reply ↓
Cash out ten percent out of Rothschild’s bank and WE will own all of rothschild’s TREASURE WE day Selena Gomez Reply ↓
trash and cash adj informal (of a stock-exchange transaction) involving the circulation of damaging information about a share that has recently been sold, with the intention of repurchasing it at a lower price Reply ↓
almost at 144,000 views every bank is inherently insolvent…so bart’s trashing of banks stocks isn’t false information Reply ↓
arnold i told u not to hump hot babes at rothschild’s orgy….secret cameras everywhere…secret microphones….now he’s got u by your metal balls what did you do to get that termination picture in 2002? and the governator position? you always said you wouldn’t ride the hershey highway in your prank call tapes…same way they faked the 911 phone calls Reply ↓
In Genesis 3:15 the Lord said that Mary would someday crush the serpent’s head, the serpent being the devil.
“a little child
shall lead them”
Dialogue in which Alex is told he is like a little child, and tonight will be graduating to a man-size crast (theft in slavic)
Cash out ten percent out of Rothschild’s bank and WE will own all of rothschild’s TREASURE
WE day Selena Gomez
trash and cash
informal (of a stock-exchange transaction) involving the circulation of damaging information about a share that has recently been sold, with the intention of repurchasing it at a lower price
almost at 144,000 views
every bank is inherently insolvent…so bart’s trashing of banks stocks isn’t false information
arnold i told u not to hump hot babes at rothschild’s orgy….secret cameras everywhere…secret microphones….now he’s got u by your metal balls
what did you do to get that termination picture in 2002? and the governator position?
you always said you wouldn’t ride the hershey highway in your prank call tapes…same way they faked the 911 phone calls
Yes Pius
revelation 22 shows exactly how the wtc 911 calls were faked
they ate little jacinta’s liver
no, two of her ribs
for ruining the balfour declaration