4 thoughts on “Musical Ghouldiggers

  1. Dr. Sebi (Dr. Self in Slavic) released the book last march:

    DR SEBI CURE FOR CYSTIC FIBROSIS, A NATURAL WAY TO GET CYSTIC FIBROSIS CUREDIf you have been searching for proven ways to naturally eliminate CYSTIC FIBROSIS from your body completely, then you should read further. If you have tried a lot of counter drugs and you are confused, devastated and angry because nothing seems to work! Great news, this is wonderful news that will free you from the pains of CYSTIC FIBROSIS, You will get complete cure from this disease using Dr sebi cystic fibrosis diet TechniquesDr Sebi before he died was a naturalist, biochemist, pathologist, and herbalist who researched and established a powerful technique to heal the human body using alkaline asthma diet which was as a result of his extensive research of over 30 years of experience. According to Dr Sebi mucus is the main cause of every ailment and disease including CYSTIC FIBROSIS and so in this book, you will learn how to get treated of CYSTIC FIBROSIS including recommended herbs, food list, greenfood and techniquesGET YOUR COPY TODAY TO LEARN MORE ABOUT Dr Sebi alkaline cystic fibrosis diet and how to effectively use it to cure CYSTIC FIBROSIS and become revitalized

  2. William Cooper-skull & bones society. The unknown soldier….that is the ring leader of east van pedo abuse priests

    Father Damian Cooper

    Priest, Archdiocese of Vancouver, British Columbia. Ordained 1986. Lawsuit filed December 2012 alleging sex abuse of teenage girl in the late ’80s to early ’90s. Diocesan officials advised of the abuse in 1994 – Father Cooper ended up across the border serving in the Diocese of Rockville Centre, New York. He is not listed in the current Church directories.

  3. in the old days i would have them burned at the stake instead of excommunication



    the action of officially excluding someone from participation in the sacraments and services of the Christian Church.
    “he appealed against the papal sentence of excommunication”

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