Madonna 2024 Presidential Speech for a New America

I would use hokey Charlie and the Chocolate Factory analogies.

Hillary Clinton = Veruca Salt

Donald Trump = Augustus Gloop

Mike Pence = Mike TV

9 thoughts on “Madonna 2024 Presidential Speech for a New America

  1. Veruca Rodham Salt

    Veruca Salt, the little brute,
    Has just gone down the garbage chute
    And She will meet as she descends
    A rather different set of friends
    A rather different set of friends
    A rather different set of friends
    A fish head, for example, cut
    This morning from a halibut.
    An oyster from an oyster stew,
    A steak that no one else would chew,
    And lots of other things as well,
    Each with a rather horrid smell.
    horrid smell
    These are Veruca’s new found friends
    That she will meet as she descends,
    These are Veruca’s new found friends
    Who went and spoiled her
    Who indeed?
    Who pandered to her every need?
    Who turned her into such a brat?
    Who are the culprits? Who did that?
    The guilty ones now this is sad
    Dear Old Mum and Loving Dad

  2. Humpty Trumpty sat on a wall…humpty trumpty had a big fall. all the kings horses and all the king’s men couldn’t put that orange motherfucker back together again

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