JCVD & Lukas


Lukas is a liar. The only thing i did to Lukas was draw hugh morris cartoon of the Polish and their Polish Pope Pride. Sister Helen said I was the ringleader of bullying Lukas when it was Miguel Neves. Miguel Neves put the poop in his pocket. I played chess with Luscious and other kids were jealous. Lukas hated chess and preferred Castlevania game


everyone gets beat up at richards on richards. I got beat up and rat packed but Gospa and Pink gave me revenge on bully. The HA bully quit gang banging after that. Luscious was also a subgenius. Discovered Oh Henry’s Chocalate Shizer BLackmaile

Lucious Lukas quote, “WHAT IF I POOPED ON YOUR NOSE?”


16 thoughts on “JCVD & Lukas

  1. fatima believers are only alien believers in christianity back in 1917….don’t lie they record our whole lives…the chariots of the gods…we were just kids neves i had a good time smoking…i smoke natives now and i never cough

  2. eating cystic fibrosis pussy is hard work neves….that’s wh y i had to practice like marlowe


    ruker’s here

    first to tell about illuminati…i told him about protocols

    gonna give him machinist story from great book…about machine that never shakes for a thousand years

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